Keeping it short and sweet, here is another simple, easy tip you and your team can do to make the holiday experience a better one for your customers.
Tip #6
If you’re a regular, you know this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. It shows both a lack of caring and a lack of training when the cashier hands me the bills first and then dumps the loose change onto my already occupied hand. The coins inevitably spill and now I’m wasting time on my hands a knees for a couple dimes.
The best thing you can do is teach your staff to “Count Back” the change.
The second best thing you can do is to at least have them place the coins in the customer’s hands first, followed by the bills.
Please, please, please teach and do this. Not only will you avoid those awkward hands-and-knees moments, you’ll subconsciously make your customer’s day (or in my case, you would consciously make my day and I would probably let out a rebel yell of joy!)
-Phil Wrzesinski
PS Yes, I do think it is a big deal. There are little things that have bigger meaning. This is one of training and caring. A cashier taught the right way instills far more confidence than one who is bumbling around and making you drop stuff.