One of the fun things about closing up the shop is finding hidden treasures as I empty filing cabinets. This is one of those treasures. I don’t know when I wrote it, but I do remember writing it. I was on a flight home from a conference or workshop and one of the speakers asked us to write down our philosophy about our staff and why we should train them.
Here is what I wrote…
For those who can’t see the image or read my handwriting…
Staff Training –
-Staff is only as good as you allow them to be
-Staff rises/falls to your expectations
-Attitude of Management directs attitude of staff
-Communication is #1 key
–Communication of Expectations
–Communication of Information necessary to do job
–Communication two-way street
-Empowerment is key #2
–Empower to make decisions
–Empower to use Imagination/Creativity
–Empower to solve problems
-Motivation is key #3
–Motivation through financial rewards
–Motivation through personal satisfaction
–Motivation through recognition
-Need to put staff into position to succeed
–Play to their strengths
–Give them “tools” to do their job
-Have Confidence in…
–Your Knowledge
–Their Training
–Their Abilities
There you go. There’s your blueprint for a killer staff. Go make it happen.
-Phil Wrzesinski
PS I think I wrote this after a trip to Wizard Academy, but I’m not exactly sure. Based on where I found it, it was likely written between 2004-2009.